Posted on January 12, 2024
IMC is a platform to support independent asset managers in enhancing their potential.
In June 2023, the Japanese government approved the "Basic Policy 2023," launching the transformative "Asset Management Nation" policy plan to strengthen our domestic asset management industry. FSA's recently published "Progress Report on Enhancing Asset Management Business 2023" highlighted issues, including too few independent asset managers.
By increasing the number of asset managers establishing their own companies and realising their ideal asset management practices, this industry would be revitalised. Aligned interest, flexible investment, there might be some aspects, but we first need to understand asset owners' expectations.
We need your input! We start a survey about Independent Asset managers. We welcome responses from anyone who is related to the asset management industry. The average answering time would be 10min to 15min. We are also glad to share the results of this survey with respondents.
Thank you for contributing to our initiative!